Dr Sherif Alian is a Professional Dermatologist & Cosmetic Dermatology Graduated from Ain-Shams University. He has been practicing his profession for more than decade at various dermatology & healthcare facilities in Cairo, Egypt, Specializing in cosmetic dermatology, advanced laser therapy and in the treatment of skin diseases, including acne, rosacea and many other skin care problems that may occur due to aging or sun exposure.

Many verious techniques exist in cosmetic/aesthetic medicine for their treatment. Peels, lasers and injections are part of the therapeutic arsenal. These non-invasive rejuvenation techniques are more and more realized because we are now aware that the earlier we intervene, the more natural and important the result. Whereas, if we wait for the installation of these wrinkles, we can only improve them and not make them disappear.
- Treat or slow down the signs of aging.
- Create volumes and shapes that never existed.
- Embell the skin.
- Eliminate some skin imperfections.
- Treating the complexes of the intimate life is the genital aesthetic.
- The body, the face, the skin and the genital area are treated.
- The imperative of all my acts is the 'french touch', the result must be natural.
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